The 2019 Awards Banquet was held at Lake Union Café in Seattle, WA on June 6th. We had a special keynote speaker, Todd Barber, from the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in California. He kept the interest of our ~50 attendees for close to an hour and a half with his fascinating presentation about half a dozen Mars rovers JPL sent into space over the past 20 years, with many funny anecdotes and lessons-learnt for our younger engineers.

Todd Barber giving his keynote lecture on the Mars Curiosity Rover
As a bonus Todd also played the piano before and after his keynote lecture!

Todd Barber playing the piano before his keynote lecture
After the keynote lecture we thanked the council members whose terms ended this year:
- Jen Treese as the past chair
- Tom Martig as chair
- Monal Shah as secretary
- Brent Pomeroy as advisory council member
- Ethan Brewer as advisory council member
- Stan Ferguson as advisory council member
And we welcomed 4 newly-elected council officers:
- Matthieu Masquelet as vice-chair-elect
- Abhi Krishnan as secretary-elect
- Jen Treese as treasurer-elect
- Simon Shuham as advisory council member
Finally, we recognized our 3 award winners (link to main page article):
- Greg Chandra as the Young Engineer of the Year
- Tim Hinerman as the STEM Advocate of the Year
- Olaf Weckner as the Industry Engineer of the Year