17th PNWAIAA Technical Symposium | April 19, 2025 | Museum of Flight

Join us Saturday, April 19th for the 17th Pacific Northwest AIAA Symposium to discover and explore groundbreaking innovations that are revolutionizing aerospace.

New propulsion systems, cutting-edge avionics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Thought-provoking presentations and exclusive unveilings of technologies that are shaping the future of flight and extraterrestrial missions, charting the paths to smarter, cheaper orbit and beyond, and more powerful data capture, understanding and applications.

The full-day Symposium agenda includes three keynote addresses from industry leaders, and over a dozen thought-provoking presentations to choose from.

It’s a unique opportunity right here at home to learn from and network with your colleagues, both in your field of expertise and beyond it. Bring yourself, your colleagues and your company up to date on the forefronts of aerospace technologies and connect with the people driving these changes.

So save the date, register (below) and spread the word to your colleagues!

And be on the alert for our email updates and details on the program and its presentations.


The Symposium attendance rates, including continential breakfast and lunch catered by McCormick & Schmick are:

Symposium Rate Card

Click the register button to go to the registration page:

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

If you believe your company should want to join in sponsoring the Symposium, please feel free to forward this to them for consideration, including this link to our downloadable description of the sponsorship benefits and opportunities:

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Building Humanity’s Next Leap Forward

January 13, 2025 Joint PNWAIAA & Museum of Flight Tech Talk

Life has been limited to Earth’s surface for almost all of human history. Now that we have modern access to space, a robust space economy is budding. Michael DeRosa from Gravitics, Inc. will walk through what his company is doing to turn that bud into a thriving flower of prosperity—supporting the development of space-age capabilities that will make life better on Earth and extend humanity’s reach into the solar system.

This joint event is presented by the Pacific Northwest section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and The Museum and Flight.

Doors open at 5:30 pm.

Plenty of free parking in the Museum of Flight parking lot on the east side of the museum.

About Mike

For the past four years, Mike DeRosa has been working as the Co-Founder & CMO of Gravitics Inc. Prior to that he was the Space Communicator for smallstars. For 12 years before that, he was a media entrepreneur in his own firm, Perfectly Loud LLC, working with clients such as Netflix and HBO, doing AV consulting for corporate events, concerts and shows and designing sound systems for live sound and capture systems.


Register by clicking on this button:

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Reminder to sign up for Nov 16 Retiree Group Event with Peter Morton – open to all

Dear Retiree/Guest/Student,

As a reminder, Peter Morton will talk to us about the time when the 7J7 laid a foundation for technologies and processes on the 777, which was the program that institutionalized the mantra “Working Together.”  If you have not yet signed up for this interesting presentation, the price to attend at the Museum of Flight will increase after the 8th. Please register via this link by the 8th to avoid this increase.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Dave Anderson

John Moore

Karl Rein-Weston (karlr@seaAIAAretirees.com)

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