Membership Benefits

Professional Members | College/University Students | K-12 Educators | Middle/High School Students

Professional Membership Benefits

Shaping the future of aerospace is no simple task. It takes passion, discussion, innovation, collaboration, and most importantly—it takes you! Let AIAA be your vital lifelong link to reliable resources and career growth opportunities.

  • AIAA Daily Launch — Stay informed on the latest industry reports that affect your day-to-day work.
  • Aerospace America — Get in-depth insight on the subject matter that is shaping the aerospace industry with this monthly publication.
  • Enhance Your Leadership Skills — Our technical programs provide opportunities for you to present technical papers and research.
  • Attend Local Section Events — Meet colleagues and network with engineers and aerospace professionals near you.

College/ University Students

AIAA has dedicated itself to shaping the future of aerospace and our future is YOU. Join us and let AIAA be your vital lifelong link to reliable resources and growth opportunities.

  • AIAA Daily Launch— Stay informed on the latest industry reports that affect your day-to-day work.
  • Aerospace America — Get in-depth insight on the subject matter that is shaping the aerospace industry with this monthly publication.
  • Mentor Match– This unique program helps you find, connect, and share experiences with others in your field.
  • Participate in Design Competitions– Compete in annual design challenges that span the breadth aerospace technical fields
  • Attend Local Section Events — Meet colleagues and network with engineers and aerospace professionals near you.

K-12 Educators (Free)

AIAA programs and services spark innovation in the aerospace industry—strengthening a high-value profession that helps make the world safer, more connected, more accessible, and more prosperous. We know that shaping the future of aerospace is no simple task.  That’s why we let K-12 educators like you become members for free!

  • Mentor Match– This unique program helps you find, connect, and share experiences with others in your field.
  • Classroom STEM Grants– You’ll be eligible for AIAA Foundation grants that provide funds for STEM project supplies. You can even use the funding to participate in EPIC!
  • Attend Local Section Events — Meet colleagues and network with engineers and aerospace professionals near you.

Middle/High School Students (Free)

AIAA offers a community of students and aerospace professionals who focus on activities, competitions, and scholarships that promote STEM and STEAM educational programs. 

  • AIAA Daily Launch— Stay informed on the latest industry reports that affect your day-to-day work.
  • Mentor Match– This unique program helps you find, connect, and share experiences with others in your field.
  • Participate in Design Competitions– Compete in annual design challenges like EPIC!
  • Attend Local Section Events — Meet colleagues and network with engineers and aerospace professionals near you.